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Online Lessons

Shape Up Pup! (new content August 2024)

Next session will open for registration October 8th and begin October 17th! 

This is an online class of Justine raising her puppy Revival from 2-4 months of age. A total of 6 lessons on everything she values for dog sport foundation and a good family pet. There will be written content and video explaining and demonstrating the layers of building a solid puppy foundation. The course is run on a private facebook page where both auditors and workers will be able to view all questions, videos and discussions at any time. Auditors can take part in everything except posting their own videos.  Auditors can join the session in progress at anytime! For working spots,  maximum 5 min of video per week. 

Foundations (all new content October 2024!)

Session opens for registration October 8th at 9am MST and will begin October 17th! 

A continuation of Shape Up Pup! This is a 8 week course containing 6 lesson plans covering everything but a jump bar! Each lesson will include games to create a strong foundation for the Shape Up Handling system. Independent verbals, sends, commitment in motion, impulse control and all flatwork for handling maneuvers! Each lesson includes written explanation and video example of Justine’s border collie puppy ‘Revival’! The course is run on a private facebook page where both auditors and workers will be able to view all questions, videos and discussions at any time. Auditors can take part in everything except posting their own videos.  Equipment used in this course will be 1 tunnel and a jump wing. For working spots, 1 dog per drill and maximum 5 min of video per week. 

Skill Building  

Session in progress! Auditors can join the session in progress at anytime!

(Next session will open for registration November 19th and begin December 5th)

A continuation of Flatwork Foundation! This is a 12 week course containing 6 lesson plans covering all advanced tunnel skills and well as all the jumping skills! Each lesson will include detailed explanation and step by step instruction of how to build understanding and proof the advanced jumping skills. Each lesson includes written explanation and video example of Justine’s border collie puppy ‘Valley’! The course is run on a private facebook page where both auditors and workers will be able to view all questions, videos and discussions at any time. Auditors can take part in everything except posting their own videos. For working spots 1 dog per drill and maximum 5 min of video per week. 

Foundation Proofing 

Session in progress! Auditors can join the session in progress at anytime! 

(Next session will open for registration November 19th and begin December 5th)

Are you looking to really TEST YOUR SKILLS? Your dog ISN’T OLD ENOUGH to move to Skills & Drills? Your winter project is to PROOF YOUR FOUNDATIONS? Looking for difficult short drills to work on in a VERY SMALL SPACE? Here it is! This course is 12 weeks with 6 lesson plans. This course is also run on a private facebook page where both auditors and workers will be able to view all questions, videos and discussions at any time. Auditors can take part in everything except posting their own videos. Equipment used in this course will be 4 jumps and 1 tunnel in a very small space! For working spots 1 dog per drill and maximum 5 min of video per week. 

Skills & Drills 

Session in progress! Auditors can join the session in progress at anytime! (Next session will open for registration November 19th and begin December 5th)

The next step after Foundation Proofing! In this classroom the drills will be more spread out, adding more handler and dog speed, while incorporating more obstacls at a time in a 50×70 space.  This course is 14 weeks with 6 lesson plans. This course is also run on a private facebook page where both auditors and workers will be able to view all questions, videos and discussions at any time. Auditors can take part in everything except posting their own videos. Equipment used in this course will be 6 jumps and 1 tunnel in 50×70 feet! For working spots 1 dog per drill and maximum 5 min of video per week. 

Advanced Skills & Drills (new material as of Sept 2023) 

Session in progress! Auditors can join the session in progress at anytime! 
(Next session will open for registration November 19th and begin December 5th)

The next classroom after Skills & Drills!  This class will incorporate weaves, difficult handling manouvers, hander/dog speed and the latest course trends in a 50×70 space–designed and video taped by Jessica & Biz! This course is 10 weeks with 6 lesson plans. This course is also run on a private facebook page where both auditors and workers will be able to view all questions, videos and discussions at any time. Auditors can take part in everything except posting their own videos. Working spots will be commented on by Jessica. Equipment used in this course will be 7 jumps, 1 tunnel and 12 weaves in 50×70 feet! For working spots 1 dog per drill and maximum 5 min of video per lesson. 

Advanced Skills & Drills 2! (new material as of Sept 2024) 

Session is progress! Auditors can join the session in progress at anytime!
(Next session will open for registration November 19th and begin December 5th)

A new Advanced Skills & Drills! This class will include weaves while incorporating the latest skill and handling challenges! Ran in a 50×70 space–designed and video taped by Jessica & Biz! This course is 10 weeks with 7 lesson plans—5 drills per lesson and 10-15 numbers per drill. This course is also run on a private facebook page where both auditors and workers will be able to view all questions, videos and discussions at any time. Auditors can take part in everything except posting their own videos. Working spots will be commented on by Jessica. Equipment used in this course will be 7 jumps, 2 tunnels and 12 weaves in 50×70 feet! For working spots, 1 dog per drill and maximum 5 min of video per lesson. 

Running Contact Foundations

Session in progress! Auditors can join the session in progress at anytime! 

(Next session will open for registration November 19th and begin December 5th)

All the games and foundation behaviours to help train a consistent running contact.  I like to think my method is easier and quicker for the dog and handler to understand.  I like to split the behaviours as small as possible to make the learning quick and easy for both dog and trainer.  By building many many layers of understanding on the flat and then on the plank we will cover all the necessary behaviours that will make transitioning to the equipment very quick.  
Dogs should be no younger than 6 months of age and should have basic understanding of reinforcement and learning games.  A target, a manners minder and some sort of plank will be ideal for working spots.  Video content will be of my 8 month old border collie “Valley” working through the content, an advanced running contact course will follow this one to start working the entire dogwalk and a-frame. 6 lessons over 12 weeks.

Advanced Running Contacts

Session in progress! Auditors can join the session in progress at anytime!
(Next session will open for registration November 19th and begin December 5th)

Put all foundational skills into play for dog-walk and a-frame performance. Dogs should have already worked through my Running Contact Foundation program and should be no younger than one year old. A target, a manners minder and some sort of plank will be ideal for working spots.  Video content will be of Justines border collie “Valley” working through the content. 6 lessons over 14 weeks. 

Calm, Cool & Collected 

Session in progress! Auditors can join the session in progress at anytime! 

(Next session will open for registration November 19th and begin December 5th)

This class with give you the tools to turn your over aroused, over the top agility dog into a calm, cool and collected teammate who can better respond to cues and control their impulses in the most exciting environments. So many dogs have great skills at home but the arousal of a competition environment can easily put them over threshold where they have a harder time remaining in a healthy state of arousal.  Situations such as off course obstacles, not collecting, knocking bars, breaking start lines…these things often all relate to a dog who might understand their job but they do not have the tools to control their emotions and feelings when excitement levels escalate.  This class will give you an array of tools and exercises as well as some simple training habits that will help you to create a more thoughtful dog on the agility field as well as some games and tools to manage arousal in higher environments.  These are necessary training games that I do with my own high level dogs before big events or after coming back from an agility break. We all know training at home is one thing, but being able to have the same level of responsiveness in different environments can be a challenge.  This class is geared towards dogs already doing agility with the expectation that they have worked through the Shape Up foundation and already have a number of skills that we will utilize but not be covered in detail such as: crate games, retrieve, perch work, hand target & multiple wraps.  The basics of those referred to behaviours are covered in ‘Shape Up Pup’ and this class will be designed to take control to a whole new level, push the skills further, then transition them onto the agility field. The course is run on a private facebook page where both auditors and workers will be able to view all questions, videos and discussions at any time. This course is 10 weeks with 5 lesson plans. Auditors can take part in everything except posting their own videos. For working spots 1 dog per drill and maximum 5 min of video per week. 

Shape Up Weave without Worry! 

A new online class providing the building blocks for worry free, independent and fast weave poles. A method where manipulating the environment leads to faster understanding and more independence right from the start. The lessons will show the progression of Justine’s young border collie “Valley” learning to weave from the start, all the way to 12 straight poles with multiples challenges testing both entries and exits. 4 lessons total, great for dogs who are new to weaves or dogs who want to re-train with better understanding and independence. This class is sold as a PDF document only. 

Teeter Class! 

An online class teaching the teeter from the ground up! This class teaches the end behaviour and obstacle performance starting from scratch. The lessons will show the progression of Justine’s young border collie “Valley” learning the teeter from the start, all the way to the final proofed product. 5 lesson plans over 10 weeks.